Color Meaning Guide

  • The color red supports you with a dynamic energy that infuses one's spirit with vitality, courage, and stamina. It's the spark of life force that drives ambition and activates the primal instincts. This color is both the warrior's energy and the passionate lover's embrace, urging you to engage fully with the world around you. Those with a red aura are often seen as leaders, movers, and risk-takers, driven by their passions and desires.

    Suggested Career Paths: Athlete, soldier, entrepreneur, builder, or any profession that requires high energy and determination.

    Tools to work with Red:

    Crystals: Garnet, red jasper.

    Essential Oils: Sandalwood, ginger.

    Activities: Physical exercise, grounding meditations.

  • The color orange supports you with a harmonious blend of creativity and sociability. It embodies the spirited dance of joy and pleasure, nudging you to explore the world with a curious heart. Those radiating an orange aura often possess an innate ability to both inspire and uplift others, drawing them into their magnetic circle of enthusiasm and innovation.

    Suggested Career Paths: Artist, therapist, event planner, salesperson, or any profession involving creativity and interaction.

    Tools to Work with Orange:

    Crystals: Carnelian, sunstone.

    Essential Oils: Orange, neroli.

    Activities: Creative pursuits, such as painting or music.

  • The color yellow supports you with an optimistic outlook, filling your spirit with warmth, clarity, and light. Like the morning sun breaking the horizon, a yellow aura indicates an individual ever-evolving, curious, and eager to learn. Their radiant energy is infectious, making them beacon-like in their ability to attract, enlighten, and guide others.

    Suggested Career Paths: Teacher, writer, comedian, scientist, or any profession requiring communication and curiosity.

    Tools to Work with Yellow:

    Crystals: Citrine, yellow calcite.

    Essential Oils: Lemon, bergamot.

    Activities: Reading, learning, sun gazing.

  • The color violet envelops you in spiritual insight, intuition, and a profound connection to the cosmos. It serves as a conduit, drawing forth divine energies and infusing your being with transcendent wisdom. Individuals with a violet aura often radiate a sense of inner knowing and enlightenment, guiding others towards higher truths and deeper understanding. They embody the seeker's journey, delving into the mysteries of existence and embracing the infinite possibilities of the universe.

    Suggested Career Paths: Spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, metaphysical researcher, or any profession that delves into esoteric knowledge and spiritual growth.

    Tools to Work with Violet:

    Crystals: Amethyst, fluorite.

    Essential Oils: Lavender, frankincense.

    Activities: Contemplative practices, dreamwork, connecting with higher realms through meditation or astral projection.

  • The color tan envelops you in a warm embrace of stability, grounding, and practicality. It serves as a foundation, anchoring you to the earth and providing a sense of security and reliability. Individuals with a tan aura often exude a down-to-earth demeanor and a strong sense of responsibility, offering steadfast support and guidance to those around them. They are the pillars of strength in times of uncertainty, providing comfort and reassurance with their grounded presence.

    Suggested Career Paths: Counselor, therapist, social worker, or any profession focused on offering practical support and guidance to others.

    Tools to Work with Tan:

    Crystals: Tiger's eye, jasper.

    Essential Oils: Sandalwood, cedarwood.

    Activities: Grounding exercises, nature walks, hands-on activities like gardening or crafting.

  • he color turquoise embraces you with a captivating blend of intuition, creativity, and the unique trait of mirroring. Serving as a conduit between the heart and mind, it facilitates clear communication while fostering emotional balance. Those with a turquoise aura possess a remarkable ability to mirror the emotions and energies of others, intuitively sensing their needs and providing empathetic support. They radiate a calming presence amidst turmoil, guiding others towards harmony and self-discovery through their reflective nature.

    Suggested Career Paths: Artist, healer, counselor, or any profession that allows for creative expression and emotional connection, leveraging the mirroring aspect for deeper understanding.

    Tools to Work with Turquoise:

    Crystals: Turquoise, aquamarine.

    Essential Oils: Chamomile, ylang-ylang.

    Activities: Engage in creative pursuits such as painting or writing, meditation to enhance intuition, and practicing compassionate communication to further develop mirroring abilities.

  • The color green supports you with a nurturing energy, promoting growth, renewal, and healing. Like a tree deeply rooted and reaching for the sky, a green aura signals a balanced existence, drawing strength from both the earth and the cosmos. This color emphasizes connection—with nature, with others, and with oneself—indicating a compassionate and harmonious soul.

    Suggested Career Paths: Doctor, nurse, therapist, environmentalist, or any profession centered around healing and balance.

    Tools to Work with Green:

    Crystals: Green aventurine, malachite.

    Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, pine.

    Activities: Nature walks, gardening.

  • The color blue supports you with deep wells of calm, intuition, and sincerity. It's the tranquil depths of the ocean and the vastness of the clear sky. Those with a blue aura possess an innate wisdom and an ability to communicate with authenticity and depth. Their presence often brings a sense of peace and understanding, making them trusted confidants and guides.

    Suggested Career Paths: Counselor, spiritual guide, artist, writer, or any profession involving deep communication and understanding.

    Tools to Work with Blue:

    Crystals: Lapis lazuli, blue lace agate.

    Essential Oils: Lavender, chamomile.

    Activities: Meditation, journaling.

  • The color indigo supports you with a profound connection to the universe's mysteries and the untapped power of intuition. Like the night sky dotted with stars, the indigo aura is expansive and deep, signaling a bridge between the earthly and the divine. Those who carry this aura often have a profound sense of purpose and a vision that transcends the mundane.

    Suggested Career Paths: Psychic, healer, spiritual teacher, researcher, or any profession that requires deep insight and intuition.

    Tools to Work with Indigo:

    Crystals: Amethyst, labradorite.

    Essential Oils: Frankincense, myrrh.

    Activities: Third-eye meditation, astral projection.

  • Embark on a creative adventure infused with the dynamic energy of a red and violet blended aura. This captivating blend merges the fiery passion of red with the spiritual insight of violet, offering a journey filled with boundless inspiration and inner exploration. Individuals guided by this unique aura radiate a magnetic energy, drawing others into their creative vision and illuminating new paths of self-expression.

    Suggested Career Paths: Innovative artist, visionary designer, creative entrepreneur, or any profession that embraces bold experimentation and spiritual exploration in the pursuit of artistic excellence.

    Tools to Work with Red and Violet:

    Crystals: Red tiger's eye, lepidolite.

    Essential Oils: Cedarwood, jasmine.

    Activities: Dive into creative pursuits with gusto, embracing experimentation and risk-taking to unleash your artistic potential. Incorporate mindfulness practices and meditation to tap into the deeper insights and intuitive guidance offered by your blended aura, fueling your creative journey with passion and purpose.

  • Step into the realm of boundless creativity and intuitive wisdom with the profound energy of a purple and indigo stacked aura. This remarkable blend intertwines the regal essence of purple with the deep insights of indigo, creating a spiritual tapestry ripe with potential and enlightenment. Those adorned with this stacked aura radiate a sense of inner knowing and visionary brilliance, embarking on a journey of creative exploration and soulful discovery.

    Suggested Career Paths: Visionary artist, intuitive healer, spiritual guide, or any profession that harnesses creativity and intuition to inspire others and foster personal growth.

    Tools to Work with Purple and Indigo:

    Crystals: Lapis lazuli, charoite.

    Essential Oils: Clary sage, vetiver.

    Activities: Engage in meditation and visualization to unlock the depths of your intuition and tap into your creative reservoir. Allow the majestic energy of purple to guide your artistic endeavors, infusing your work with depth and inspiration. Embrace the wisdom of indigo as you delve into spiritual practices and seek higher truths, trusting in the guidance of your stacked aura to illuminate your path with clarity and purpose.

  • he color turquoise embraces you with a captivating blend of intuition, creativity, and the unique trait of mirroring. Serving as a conduit between the heart and mind, it facilitates clear communication while fostering emotional balance. Those with a turquoise aura possess a remarkable ability to mirror the emotions and energies of others, intuitively sensing their needs and providing empathetic support. They radiate a calming presence amidst turmoil, guiding others towards harmony and self-discovery through their reflective nature.

    Suggested Career Paths: Artist, healer, counselor, or any profession that allows for creative expression and emotional connection, leveraging the mirroring aspect for deeper understanding.

    Tools to Work with Turquoise:

    Crystals: Turquoise, aquamarine.

    Essential Oils: Chamomile, ylang-ylang.

    Activities: Engage in creative pursuits such as painting or writing, meditation to enhance intuition, and practicing compassionate communication to further develop mirroring abilities.

  • The color white supports you with purity, illumination, and a direct link to the divine. It acts as a prism, channeling and amplifying energies from higher realms. Those with a clear or white aura are often seen as beacons of light, guiding and healing others with their ethereal energy. They hold space for transformation and ascension, embodying the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

    Suggested Career Paths: Spiritual teacher, healer, medium, or any profession connected to higher guidance and pure energies.

    Tools to Work with White:

    Crystals: Clear quartz, selenite.

    Essential Oils: Jasmine, rose.

    Activities: Meditation, energy cleansing rituals.

  • The color pink supports you with a gentle embrace of love, compassion, and tenderness. It resonates with the heart's purest intentions, reflecting qualities of innocence, self-love, and an ever-youthful spirit. Like the soft blush of dawn or the fleeting hue of cherry blossoms, a pink aura indicates an individual with a nurturing soul, always looking to uplift and care for others. It's the comforting hug on a sorrowful day, the whispered words of encouragement, and the unwavering belief in the good of the world.

    Suggested Career Paths:

    Caregiver, pediatrician, counselor, artist, philanthropist, or any profession that emphasizes care, compassion, and understanding.

    Tools to Work with Pink:

    Crystals: Rose quartz, rhodonite.

    Essential Oils: Rose, geranium.

    Activities: Heart chakra meditations, acts of kindness, artistic expressions.

  • The color silver supports you with the luminous energy of the Divine Feminine, capturing the essence of intuition, receptivity, and the mysterious depths of the subconscious. Silver is like moonlight dancing on water, a reflection of ancient wisdom, dreams, and the unseen realms. Channeling the sacred and nurturing aspects of femininity, a silver aura embodies grace, fluidity, and the cyclical nature of life. This aura signifies a deep connection with the rhythms of the Earth and cosmos, recognizing the ebb and flow of energies and the importance of balance.

    Suggested Career Paths:

    Spiritual healer, midwife, counselor, astrologer, or any profession connected to intuition, nurturing, and tapping into the deeper mysteries of existence.

    Tools to Work with Silver:

    Crystals: Moonstone, silver, selenite.

    Essential Oils: Jasmine, clary sage.

    Activities: Moon rituals, dream journaling, meditation with a focus on feminine energies.